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Four years shuttling between Germany and China:
"Distance is no object if you have the right attitude"

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To Selected Films

Multipurpose Dam Project


Long-term project documentary, 30 min.
Image film, 10 min.
Chinese, English, French, Italian, German


Chinese Group of International Contractors


Four years of dam and tunnel construction on the Yellow River:
1.3 km rock fill dam, 53 million cubic metres
Intake structures 108 m high, 60 m deep, 281 m wide
76 intake gates weighing up to 270 tonnes
10 main tunnels up to 18 m in diameter
power station for 5000 GWh/year
still and outlet basins for 16,800 cu.m. water/sec

What´s special

A film for an international consortium in China, produced from Germany. Distance is no object if you have the right attitude – organization, reliability and experience with large-scale projects.

Camera Georg Steinweh
Written and produced by Hartmut Schwenk

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