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"A minor miracle: Peter Handke, who despises the media, opens his house to a mass medium"

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To Selected Films

The Melancholy Player
The writer Peter Handke


90 min.

Producers, TV channels


Other broadcasts and versions

3Sat (Germany, Austria, Switzerland),
ORF (Austria), Swiss Television DRS (60 and 90 min.)
FWU (30 min.)


Conversations and journeys with Peter Handke. In his house near Paris, in Belgrade and Bosnia, Handke talks about his biography, his writing and his beliefs. Magnificent shots of landscapes in Slovenia and Spain, of the settings of his life and his novels.

What´s special

Never before has Handke been seen or heard like this in public. After more than ten years Handke, who shuns publicity, agreed to a film portrait – exclusively with our director Peter Hamm.
"The only film that could have been made with Peter Handke about Peter Handke... succeeded with tact, precision and expertise" wrote the "Neue Zürcher Zeitung"
The FAZ noted the "skilfully incorporated archive material ... exquisitely beautiful landscape photography"

Written and directed by Peter Hamm
Produced by Hartmut Schwenk

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